InnoMedica is a Swiss pharmaceutical company that uses an innovative nano-transport system to develop drugs that are intended to provide patients with effective improvements in therapy. InnoMedica uses nanocarriers to ensure that the various active ingredients are released precisely at the point of destination. This is intended to achieve an improved effect with reduced side effects. InnoMedica believes this might solve the problem of efficient drug logistics in the human body. Initial applications in oncology, neurology and immunology demonstrate the wide range of potential uses for this nanotechnology.


Die um einen zweiten Reinraum erweiterte und gut ausgebaute Nanofactory garantiert heute die Abdeckung der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette von der Roh- und Verbrauchsmaterialkontrolle bis hin zum stabilen, sterilen, injizierbaren Endprodukt nach den Richtlinien der guten Herstellungspraxis (Good Manufacturing Practice).


A liposomal formulation opens up new possibilities. InnoMedica's technology platform can be used for clinically established active pharmaceutical ingredients as well as for new, tailored substances such as RNA or proteins. There are barely any limits to InnoMedica's product pipeline.


InnoMedica's team embodies creative thinking and innovation combined with professional expertise and patient proximity. Are you motivated to become part of the young and dynamic team and committed to InnoMedica's goal of giving patients access to a new generation of nanomedicines?